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Burl Audio B 4 MIC PRE

4 kanaals pre-amp voor Burl B16 en B80 Mothership.


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Product omschrijving

AT LONG LAST… BURL Audio is proud to announce the new B4 4-channel MIC/LINE input daughter card for the B80 and B16 MOTHERSHIPs. The B4 boasts the new BX6 input transformer designed for true MIC/LINE input impedance. The B4 maintains a no compromise, class-A analog circuit, followed by the same ADC we use in the BAD8. Using a single B80 chassis, 40 input channels of audiophile MIC/LINE inputs can be realized. With digital control and SoundGrid or Dante, the B80 MOTHERSHIP with the B4 MIC/LINE daughter card is the ultimate studio grade stage box.

Frequency Response
LINE level, 0dB Gain,  -0.03dB @ 10Hz, -1.5dB @ 30kHz
Full Gain, 59dB Gain,  -0.03dB @ 10Hz, -2.5dB @ 30kHz

Input Impedance
LINE 10k Ohms
MIC 2.5k Ohms

B4 MIC PRE Daughter Card Features:

• 4-channel MIC / LINE ADC
• 4-channel XLR connectivity
• All class-A, NextGen Analog BOPA14 op-amps
• NEW BX6 input transformers
• 40 total MIC / LINE input channels per B80
• Avid delay matching
• ADC filter select
• Fully balanced signal path for extremely low noise floor


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